Harnessing the Power of Shifting Topics with Peer39's Social Predict

Harnessing the Power of Shifting Topics with Peer39's Social Predict

Everyone has favorite internet trends – like Peanut Butter Jelly Time or Chuck Norris Facts. It can be fascinating to see what captures the collective consciousness, seemingly out of nowhere, before vanishing.

Everything You Need To Seamlessly Transition From Oracle Advertising

Everything You Need To Seamlessly Transition From Oracle Advertising

Oracle Advertising's solutions, including contextual provider Grapeshot and Moat Analytics, have been long-standing tools for media buyers and programmatic advertisers seeking to enhance cookieless targeting and measurement capabilities. Oracle's decision to shut them down creates a challenge for agencies, buyers, and brands to transition.

CTV Goes Biddable: What Buyers Need as Inventory Grows

CTV Goes Biddable: What Buyers Need as Inventory Grows

Biddable opportunities within CTV represent a paradigm shift in the way advertisers buy and sell ad inventory. In its infancy, CTV buys relied mainly on direct negotiations and manual processes. As buyers move towards programmatic, CTV is going through the growth and maturity stage needed to be a reliable and transparent environment for advertisers.

Programmatic I/O 2024: What We Heard and Saw
CTV Cookieless MFA

Programmatic I/O 2024: What We Heard and Saw

Key Insights from Programmatic I/O Las Vegas 2024 Finally fully rested after non-stop meetings, panels, and social activities at Las Vegas' AdExchanger's 2024 Programmatic I/O conference, our Director of Business Development, Joe Rice, shared his thoughts on the key topics discussed.

Enhancing Retail Campaigns with Peer39’s Contextual Retail Media Categories and Retail Analytics Dashboard - Retail Retail Retail!
Contextual Targeting Cookieless

Enhancing Retail Campaigns with Peer39’s Contextual Retail Media Categories and Retail Analytics Dashboard - Retail Retail Retail!

Precision targeting has always been paramount in the digital advertising ecosystem, especially for retail brands aiming to engage consumers at critical moments in their shopper journeys. Peer39's pre-bid Contextual Retail Media categories and post-bid data in our Analytics Dashboard provide advertisers with the tools they need to achieve campaign precision while also providing insights to optimize—all without relying on cookies.

Adform Welcomes Contextual CTV Capabilities with Peer39
CTV Partner

Adform Welcomes Contextual CTV Capabilities with Peer39

The Path to Programmatic In the early days of online advertising, direct site buys were the name of the game to secure inventory. As time passed, biddable media campaigns using programmatic technology emerged as a reliable, cost-effective way to advertise online.

The State of CTV Inventory & Impressions in Q1 2024
CTV Benchmark

The State of CTV Inventory & Impressions in Q1 2024

Fake CTV Inventory is still on the rise and other advertiser benchmarks you need for success in CTV As ConnectedTV (CTV) continues its dominant ascent - with estimates that it will overtake all over viewing in 2025 - benchmarks for performance, delivery, and safety & suitability are vital for advertisers that want to stay ahead of rapid changes.

Unlocking Programmatic CTV Success: The Power of Post-Buy Analytics
CTV Analytics

Unlocking Programmatic CTV Success: The Power of Post-Buy Analytics

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, ConnectedTV (CTV) has emerged as a powerhouse, offering advertisers unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities. Even with the capabilities of precision targeting and high engagement rates, advertisers often struggle with a lack of transparency and control over their programmatic campaigns. This is where post-buy Analytics for CTV comes in, delivering clarity for optimization.

CTV and Cookieless Analytics: Performance, Context, Content, and Audience Data
Cookieless Analytics

CTV and Cookieless Analytics: Performance, Context, Content, and Audience Data

Like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet, the new Peer39 Analytics dashboard has a lot to offer. So with the right approach, advertisers can fill up on the more than 150 data inputs measured across CTV, Display, OLV, and Mobile in-app.