
Programmatic I/O 2024: What We Heard and Saw

Programmatic I/O 2024: What We Heard and Saw

Key Insights from Programmatic I/O Las Vegas 2024 Finally fully rested after non-stop meetings, panels, and social activities at Las Vegas' AdExchanger's 2024 Programmatic I/O conference, our Director of Business Development, Joe Rice, shared his thoughts on the key topics discussed.

Enhancing Retail Campaigns with Peer39’s Contextual Retail Media Categories and Retail Analytics Dashboard - Retail Retail Retail!
Contextual Targeting Cookieless

Enhancing Retail Campaigns with Peer39’s Contextual Retail Media Categories and Retail Analytics Dashboard - Retail Retail Retail!

Precision targeting has always been paramount in the digital advertising ecosystem, especially for retail brands aiming to engage consumers at critical moments in their shopper journeys. Peer39's pre-bid Contextual Retail Media categories and post-bid data in our Analytics Dashboard provide advertisers with the tools they need to achieve campaign precision while also providing insights to optimize—all without relying on cookies.

CTV and Cookieless Analytics: Performance, Context, Content, and Audience Data
Cookieless Analytics

CTV and Cookieless Analytics: Performance, Context, Content, and Audience Data

Like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet, the new Peer39 Analytics dashboard has a lot to offer. So with the right approach, advertisers can fill up on the more than 150 data inputs measured across CTV, Display, OLV, and Mobile in-app.

Start Testing Page Signals Now to Thrive in a Cookieless World

Start Testing Page Signals Now to Thrive in a Cookieless World

The cookie has been "dying" for so long at this point, it’s easy to get complacent and assume it’s not going to happen. Well, according to Google, it very much is happening. And soon. That means you need to put your plans for a cookieless future into high gear.

Cookie Deprecation: What to Know about the Cookieless Future

Cookie Deprecation: What to Know about the Cookieless Future

The time has come to prepare for the final end of third-party cookies and start executing your strategies. Pivoting towards contextual advertising means you will be prepared for the cookieless future to come.

Are Retail Media Networks the Future of Digital Ads?
Contextual Targeting Cookieless

Are Retail Media Networks the Future of Digital Ads?

Retail media is exploding. In 2023, it’s become the second-fastest growing digital advertising channel, outpaced only by CTV. There’s simply more inventory, meaning brands and retail media alike have unprecedented opportunities. And the timing couldn’t be better; wise brands and advertisers are preparing for a cookieless future.

Alternatives To Cookies: How Contextual Targeting Amplifies Ad Spend

Alternatives To Cookies: How Contextual Targeting Amplifies Ad Spend

Cookies have long defined online marketing. But soon, certain types of cookies will be phased out of the digital advertising industry all together. Here’s why and how to evaluate some alternatives to third-party cookies in your marketing strategies.

Cookieless Targeting: A Complete Guide

Cookieless Targeting: A Complete Guide

As anticipated, third-party targeting cookies are finally going away with Google's Chrome ending support for third-party cookies.