Brand safety suitability

Navigating (or Staying Away From) the Political Media Storm During the 2024 Presidential Election

Navigating (or Staying Away From) the Political Media Storm During the 2024 Presidential Election

In the ever-evolving landscape of political media, the 2024 Presidential election stands out as a pivotal moment, marked by extensive candidate coverage, heated debates on crucial social and political issues, and an unprecedented outpouring of content. Brands, political campaign teams, and advertisers each need to know how to effectively navigate this political media storm while ensuring alignment with their messages and values.


Victoria Porras


Jan 24, 2024

Peer39's 2023 Programmatic CTV Benchmark Report: What Lies Beyond the Tip of the CTV Iceberg
Brand Safety & Suitability CTV

Peer39's 2023 Programmatic CTV Benchmark Report: What Lies Beyond the Tip of the CTV Iceberg

Fortune 500 Brands account for 45% of all ads observed on Fake CTV & Divisive News content channels That's only one of the surprising truths that Peer39's team of researchers discovered after spending 10 weeks uncovering what is really going on across Fake and Divisive CTV channels - and who is buying this inventory.


Ben Chansky


Dec 8, 2023

Made for Advertising - As the Problem Evolves, So Should Solutions
Brand Safety & Suitability MFA

Made for Advertising - As the Problem Evolves, So Should Solutions

Think of it as the 2.0 way to fight Made for Advertising sites. Improving upon our existing Made for Advertising Fraud category, Peer39 brings categorization automation for MFA and the ability to avoid AI bot-created content into a single category.


David Simutis


Nov 21, 2023

Boost Online Video Ad Success with Peer39's Completion Rate Categories
Brand Safety & Suitability MFA

Boost Online Video Ad Success with Peer39's Completion Rate Categories

Online video has become a dominant force in the world of advertising. Brands and marketers are constantly seeking ways to maximize their reach and engagement through video content – making it essential to optimize ad placements to ensure they are seen to completion. A lot of money goes into creating these video ads for them not to be seen.


Victoria Porras


Nov 16, 2023

Avoid AI Generated Content Draining Your Ad Spend
Brand Safety & Suitability

Avoid AI Generated Content Draining Your Ad Spend

By now you know of the strange and interesting kinds of art and writing that AI can produce. It's been fun to play with tools like ChatGPT and AI image-generating tools like DALL-E.


Patrick Bobilin


Sep 28, 2023

The Hidden Costs of Keyword Blocking: Exploring Trade-Offs for Advertisers
Brand Safety & Suitability Contextual Targeting

The Hidden Costs of Keyword Blocking: Exploring Trade-Offs for Advertisers

In the world of digital advertising, brand safety remains a paramount concern for advertisers. With the rise of programmatic advertising and the proliferation of user-generated content, ensuring brand suitability and protecting brand reputation has become increasingly challenging. To mitigate risks, many advertisers resort to keyword blocking, a popular tactic that allows them to exclude certain keywords from their ad placements.


Patrick Bobilin


Jul 21, 2023

The CTV Brand Safety Solution You've Been Missing
Brand Safety & Suitability

The CTV Brand Safety Solution You've Been Missing

Imagine after finishing a long day that you're sitting down to stream the latest episode of the top gritty true-crime thriller of the moment. As soon as the killer commits another grisly act of violence, a commercial cuts in showing that bright and bubbly ad for diapers from this morning’s client.


David Simutis


Mar 2, 2023

Why Brand Suitability is Important in 2023 and Beyond
Brand Safety & Suitability

Why Brand Suitability is Important in 2023 and Beyond

Daily digital media consumption is predicted to increase by nine minutes to eight hours and 23 minutes in 2023. That’s a lot of time spent reading articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts, and viewing shows and movies online. This is great news for the digital advertising industry. The opportunities for marketers to reach and engage consumers are virtually endless with so much of our lives now being spent online.


David Simutis


Nov 28, 2022

How to Limit Brand Safety Risk in CTV Advertising
Brand Safety & Suitability CTV

How to Limit Brand Safety Risk in CTV Advertising

While CTV advertising is becoming an increasingly popular outlet for programmatic ad spend—with 66% of advertisers planning to increase their CTV budgets—the practice is not without its brand safety risks. Knowing how to limit brand safety risk in CTV advertising should be a priority for any company looking to scale to these channels this year and beyond.


David Simutis


Oct 26, 2022