Patrick bobilin

Avoid AI Generated Content Draining Your Ad Spend

Avoid AI Generated Content Draining Your Ad Spend

By now you know of the strange and interesting kinds of art and writing that AI can produce. It's been fun to play with tools like ChatGPT and AI image-generating tools like DALL-E.

What is Proximity Targeting? Definition and Privacy Concerns
Contextual Targeting

What is Proximity Targeting? Definition and Privacy Concerns

With full cookie deprecation in Google Chrome rapidly approaching in the second half of 2024, advertisers must continue to find new ways to target their users and retain reach. The loss of behavioral targeting through third-party cookies raises a lot of question marks for advertisers who rely on the ability to track user actions, and align ad content with perceived buyer intent.

Start Testing Page Signals Now to Thrive in a Cookieless World

Start Testing Page Signals Now to Thrive in a Cookieless World

The cookie has been "dying" for so long at this point, it’s easy to get complacent and assume it’s not going to happen. Well, according to Google, it very much is happening. And soon. That means you need to put your plans for a cookieless future into high gear.

The Hidden Costs of Keyword Blocking: Exploring Trade-Offs for Advertisers
Brand Safety & Suitability Contextual Targeting

The Hidden Costs of Keyword Blocking: Exploring Trade-Offs for Advertisers

In the world of digital advertising, brand safety remains a paramount concern for advertisers. With the rise of programmatic advertising and the proliferation of user-generated content, ensuring brand suitability and protecting brand reputation has become increasingly challenging. To mitigate risks, many advertisers resort to keyword blocking, a popular tactic that allows them to exclude certain keywords from their ad placements.

Are You Missing Show Genre and Rating Categories for CTV?

Are You Missing Show Genre and Rating Categories for CTV?

The more advertising buyers know about placement locations, the more confident they can be about ROI, performance, and brand suitability and safety.

Contextual connected TV (CTV) advertising: the next evolution for marketers
Contextual Targeting

Contextual connected TV (CTV) advertising: the next evolution for marketers

In just two decades, there have been drastic changes to how consumers access entertainment. It wasn’t that long ago when pay television was the new thing and we regularly drove to the video store to pick out a few movies to watch on the weekend. Today, the video stores are long gone and, for many, so are the original iterations of pay television (cable/satellite). More and more consumers are cord-cutting and turning to streaming content instead. The library of content we have can immediately tap into far exceeds even the largest video store library back in the day and provides access to and discovery of older titles, along with frequent new additions. In addition, consumers can watch this content in so many more ways than ever before, including via their smartphones and streaming TV ...