Peer39 is CTV: Redefining Success in Programmatic CTV Advertising

Achieving success in the current CTV landscape demands precision, safety, transparency, scale, and uncompromising quality. Advertisers and buyers accustomed to a high level of granular controls available for web and mobile advertising, have often found CTV to be a black box for targeting and analytics.
With that in mind, Peer39 is focused on providing solutions tailored to delivering triumphant CTV campaigns.
Setting the Stage for Success: Unparalleled Scale and Precision
Peer39 created a suite of solutions to ensure CTV campaigns not only reach colossal scale but also hit the bullseye with accurate targeting, maintaining brand safety, and running on high-quality programming. This sweet spot ensures that advertisers have more choices than just high-CPMs on walled gardens, while steering clear of blind spots in ad placements, and risky, unsuitable environments.
Layer in CTV-specific analytics, and buyers have a full circuit suite of tools at their disposal to maximize their investments across this high-impact environment.
These Four Pillars Build a Foundation for Success Across Pre-bid CTV
Peer39 is Safety and Suitability for CTV
The growth across the CTV landscape has resulted in a boom of high-cost inventory for advertisers to navigate. Notably, Free Ad-Supported Television (FAST) channels. Not all FAST channels are low quality, but without proper safety and suitability controls buyers may be inadvertently buying inventory on CTV inventory that does not align with a brand’s placement standards. An average 6-7% of all impressions run on Fake Content - mobile, wallpapers, even the "off the air" messaging at the end of the night. Using blunt brand suitability controls hurts scale, reach, and the ability for nuanced targeting and exclusions.
Peer39’s prebid controls act as guardians, ensuring that campaigns are inherently safe and suitable right from the get-go. Safe from Fake CTV Content is a category that acts as a barrier, preventing ads from running in non-streaming environments like screensavers, mobile apps, wallpapers and other low-quality placements.
The Verified Content category and Verified Valid Channels category ensure that placements are only within either content and/or channels that Peer39 has authenticated and categorized, removing blind placements.
Divisive News is an additional safety and suitability minefield that we can help solve for and keep ads from running on.
Peer39 is Scale for CTV
Leaning on our experience in classification and categorization, we let advertisers go beyond publisher-declared categorization for 2-3x more coverage than most offerings. With an expansive library of more than 1,100 categories, including 200+ show genres, precision in CTV targeting reaches unprecedented levels. With integrations across DSPs, seamless implementation and precise audience targeting, buyers can balance reach and performance effortlessly.
Peer39 is Quality for CTV
In conjunction with Safety & Suitability and Scale, Peer39's CTV-specific categories ensure consistency, transparency, and clarity in pre-bid targeting. Reach audiences on major channels such as ABC, BBC, CNN, and other reputable networks without being tied down by upfronts or high CPMs.
Peer39 is Analytics for CTV
The importance of in-flight optimization and post-flight analysis is obvious to programmatic buyers, and this is especially true for CTV. Whereas web and mobile advertising has a wealth of trusted analytics options, CTV’s unique characteristics has left many buyers without the granular insights they have come to expect.
Peer39’s CTV Analytics Dashboard offers transparency and eliminates blind spots that could otherwise hinder campaign performance and potentially harm brand integrity. Armed with comprehensive insights, advertisers get a holistic view of CTV campaigns, allowing trends and patterns to be identified to optimize strategies for maximum KPI impact.
Peer39 gives you information, not just data. Get the data you need, delivered as information you can use.
In a landscape filled with challenges, Peer39 emerges guiding advertisers towards triumphant campaigns that not only meet objectives but exceed them. Together, let's embark on a journey where success in CTV advertising is not just a goal but an achievable reality, driven by the expertise and innovation of Peer39's solutions.
For more information, please reach out to your Account Manager or
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