The opportunity and challenges of CTV advertising

Contextual Targeting


Sheri Zelle
The opportunity and challenges of CTV advertising

Advertising in 2020 bears little resemblance to advertising just 10 years ago. The options and investment in digital continues to grow, and the rapid consumer adoption of connected TV (CTV) has been closely followed by increased investment from brands. Connected TV is an exciting and growing opportunity for advertisers—the case for venturing into CTV is pretty clear. However, in practice, it comes with a level of complexity that can be challenging to navigate. As people throughout the industry work to make sense of the CTV ecosystem, explanations and definitions of different aspects of CTV have flooded the internet. Of course, it’s a developing space, so there’s no single definitive guide to reference. Knowing what’s out there, we wanted to provide a valuable overview of CTV, the ecosystem today, and how it fits in the ongoing changes we’re seeing in the advertising space. The opportunity and challenges of CTV advertising Our new ebook, Contextual CTV: The next evolution of advertising, gives a thorough overview of the technology shifts and emergence of what we know today as connected TV. The ebook tackles the challenges of CTV advertising within the ecosystem and why it’s still a compelling opportunity, despite its shortcomings. We also explore how contextual in CTV can provide greater value. For example, the recent launch of our contextual CTV planning and targeting tool set gives advertisers more control and visibility into the data that informs their campaign planning. Download Contextual CTV: The next evolution of advertising today to learn more about the big picture of CTV.

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