Find Peer39 cookieless pre-bid categories and Contextual Data Marketplace® partners on your buying platform of choice.

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Modern marketing is non-linear
and continuously evolving

Mobius Loop Graphic - Peer39

For maximum success, advertisers need both pre-bid categories and post-bid Analytics for the cookieless world. Understanding the context and mindset of the consumer you are trying to reach improves alignment and relevance. which leads to increased attention and engagement with your brand.

When attention and alignment are part of the advertising strategy, research shows ROI can be improved by up to 30 percent.

Advanced Contextual Data

Advanced Contextual Data

The industry’s largest and most-accurate cookieless pre-bid contextual category library to find the most relevant, suitable, safe, and quality inventory to target.


Cookieless and CTV Analytics

Modern performance metrics such as Attention and Viewability alongside key insights into ad environments - for web, mobile, CTV, and OLV.

Tools for Planning & Customization

Tools for Planning & Customization

The most advanced customization tool set for your contextual strategy, loaded with market-leading and innovative features to plan, create and manage.

Advanced contextual data that fuels modern marketing

Peer39 invented the category of pre-bid, cookieless data, starting with semantic-based contextual categories, then brand safety, and then page quality. It has continued to scale at the pace of RTB and has brought to market the meaningful data points that advertisers find valuable, and predictable to use to scale their performance campaigns.

Peer39 brings advanced contextual data to modern marketing for targeting and analytics with the most scale of any data provider available. It means continuous innovation and a commitment to quality for our customers and partners.

Take control of your targeting

With Peer39, you can put the power and control of custom categories in the hands of your marketing team.

Environment makes the difference

Ads are not experienced in isolation but viewed within an environment (webpage, app, CTV) with other dimensions and signals. When advertisers shift focus and understand the immediate context and mindset of the people they are trying to reach, the result is alignment and relevance. Advanced context is a key factor for relevance, and relevance results in increased attention, and performance.

Contact us today to get started